Independent Paralegal vs. Full-Time Paralegal
You may be wondering "Why should I hire an independent paralegal instead of hiring an in-house, full-time paralegal?" While the hourly cost of an independent paralegal is often higher than the hourly wage of full-time, in-house paralegal, there are additional costs that employers must pay for a full-time employee. These costs do not apply to independent paralegals as outlined below:
While the full-time, in-house paralegal is paid a lower hourly wage, when all other costs are factored in the, the independent paralegal actually costs less per hour due to the lack of overhead costs and fringe benefits. Attorneys are also able to bill the client for the entire cost of the independent paralegal’s work, maximizing revenue for the firm.
Another important benefit is that an independent paralegal provides on-demand support. Attorneys can hire them as needed, without long-term commitments. This flexibility allows firms to adapt to varying workflows and specific project requirements. Full-time employees often have down time in the office as work ebbs and flows throughout the year. They are still required to come to the office and thus are paid for time that is less productive and generates less income for the firm. By hiring an independent paralegal, the attorney is only paying for the time that is actually spent on the project itself.
Independent paralegals often have niche, specialized knowledge and experience in specific practice areas. When hiring an independent paralegal, attorneys are able to tap into that experience without the commitment of hiring a full-time employee. Because of this specialized knowledge and experience, independent paralegals require minimal training and are able to seamlessly integrate into ongoing projects, saving time and resources.
Utilizing an independent paralegal provides cost savings, expertise, and flexibility, allowing the attorney to focus on their core legal work and optimize their practice efficiently.